


Before filling out this Form you should read the Divorce page to determine if Edivorce is the best option for you.

Please completely fill out this Form, including credit card information, and click on the submit button.

You will receive a confirming email after you successfully submit your information.

1.  Information about the Party filing for Divorce:

Name - (First Middle Last Name):

Gender: Male Female




State: Zip Code:

Do you affirm that you have been a resident of the State of Oklahoma for more than 6 months,
and a resident of the county in which your divorce will be filed for more than 30 days?

Yes.  No.      If you answered no, you do not meet the residency requirement, and cannot file for divorce at this time!
2.  Information about the Other Party:

Name - (First Middle Last Name):

Gender: We will assume the gender of the responding party is the opposite of the party filing for the divorce.
If this is not the case you should contact us directly, as divorce is not a legal option for you in Oklahoma.




State: Zip Code:

3.  Information about your Marriage:

Date of your Marriage - (Example: 3/15/1994):

Place of your Marriage - (Example: Norman, Oklahoma):

4.  Property Division Information:

Your Divorce Decree will state that all property owned by the parties to this divorce has been divided,
and each party now has, in his or her possession, all property which shall be awarded to that party.

Additionally, you may include instructions as to how specific property is awarded by the Court.
To do so, list all property to be awarded to each party in the appropriate boxes provided here.
If you own any real estate (home, land, cemetary lots, etc.), you need to send us a full legal
description for that property to make sure the award is included in your Decree.  Also, you
should list all other items of property with a value of more than approximately $1,000.00.
Typically, this would include automobiles, major appliances, retirement accounts,
certificates of deposit, etc.  You should identify automobiles by VIN numbers.

Property to be awarded to the Petitioner:

Property to be awarded to the Respondent:

5.  Debt Division Information:

The Standard Decree states that any debt associated with specific property (ex: mortgage on real property,
note on automobile) will be assigned to the party receiving the property. You may modify these provisions,
and assign payment responsibility for other marital debts by listing specific debts in the boxes provided.

To assign the payment of debts to a party, list the name of the creditor (person or company owed the money),
an account number (if there is one), and the amount of the debt in the box for that party.

Debt awarded to Petitioner:

Debt awarded to Respondent:

6.  Miscellaneous Information:

If the female party to this Divorce wishes to have her maiden name restored, please enter the full name here:

If you need a deed prepared to take the name of one party off the title to real property, carefully enter
the legal description in the box provided. Also tell us which party the deed is from, and which party gets
the property. Please note that there is an extra charge for preparing a deed.

The deed will be from to .

If you need a retirement account to be divided, you will need a QDRO (Qualified Domestic Retirement Order).
You will have to contact our office to have a QDRO prepared. There is an extra charge for preparing a QDRO.

7.  :Payment Information

Click here to reset the form.  Be Carefull! This will completely erase all your entered information.

Click here to send your information to us.

© Edisputesolution. 2006.